You, as a consumer, might not see it as a big deal, but SMS marketing is a huge deal in the world of digital marketing. In fact, just like any marketing type, SMS marketing has a lot to do with a consumer’s psychology.

But of course, you know this and this is why you are here.

Before we dive into SMS marketers and how to deal with them, let’s give a brief overview.

What is SMS Marketing? 

You know one of those days when instead of waking up from your alarm, you wake up from a promotional text message from a company? So, basically, that is SMS marketing.

Commonly known as text message marketing, SMS marketing is a modern method where organizations and businesses all over the world send out sale alerts, promotional alerts and coupons to their targeted consumer base. Most of the target audience is permission-based and is reached out through opt-in text messages.

Usually, the messages are within the character limit of 160. How you strategize your SMS marketing and what techniques you need to follow is a game-changer in this form of marketing.

Now, let’s elaborate these points a bit more.

1. Permission-based: as mentioned earlier, these messages are sent out to consumers who permitted you to do so. For instance, if you are a regular consumer of a particular food delivery service, you may often get updates on their ongoing deals and promotions.

2. Mass-communication tool: whoever has their own smartphone or cell phone is likely to get SMS for marketing purposes. This form of marketing allows one to frequently touch base with their consumers and subscribers through a small, rightly crafted message.

4. Instant messaging: within the matters of seconds, you send text messages and you receive their replies.

5. Trackable: through SMS marketing, you can measure easily which promos and messages are working in favor of you and which are not. This way, you get to improve your services and techniques applied through text campaigns. 


How to deal with freelance SMS marketers in a successful manner

1. Hire a freelancer who has the skills you are looking for

Ability and skills are the two important elements that ensure that outsourcing could be a potential success. You need to look for freelancers who have skills in the niche you have. Look into their portfolio; see the previous SMS marketing work they have done and how did they do it.

Accordingly, decide on getting them on board. You may also want to look into the past work of the digital marketer. Look into the testimonials. You need to do your homework on the potential SMS marketer so you know your business is in the right hands.

2. Be sure of the budget expectations

At the end of the day, it is the price that gets you the results. The price of the deal you are promoting and the price you are paying to hire a digital marketer. You need to look for a freelancer who falls within the budget expectations you have. You also need to ensure that what you plan to pay is realistic and not under the minimum freelance wage. Do not hire a talented SMS marketer for $100 when the quality of their work reflects $200.

3. Be clear on the project outlines and expected outcomes

From day one, you need to clearly state the expectations you have from the SMS marketer regarding the project. You need to be on the same page before the partnership begins. Meet with your SMS marketer and discuss the layouts. You need to plan the outline properly and adequately communicate the deliverables. Share as many examples as you can so the marketer has a clear impression on the results you are looking for.

Final Words

SMS marketing is an important element in the marketing front of businesses and freelance marketers make the job a lot easier with their flow of creativity. Make sure you follow these steps and you will be good!