You are about to launch a WhatsApp Business marketing campaign but are left wondering "how do I even know whether my campaign efforts are actually paying off?".

No worries! Below, we’ll explain how to measure the platform's performance so you can create more effective campaigns and boost the conversion rate.

What are WhatsApp KPIs?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a set of numeric indicators that help you measure the success of your marketing efforts. These metrics aim to measure the performance and effectiveness of WhatsApp Business Messages.

We divide these metrics into on- and off-platform.

  • On-platform metrics are delivery rate, seen rate, open rate, CTR, unsubscribe/opt-out rate;

  • Off-platform metrics are revenue generated, revenue per recipient, conversion rate, and ROAS.

Note that WhatsApp Business Messaging offers three types of messages: Marketing, Utility, and Authentication. Each requires tracking different KPIs. This guide focuses only on Marketing messages.

7 Key KPIs of WhatsApp Business Messages

Delivery rate

Delivery rate shows how many messages reached users.

In our experience, the number one reason messages are undelivered is that the user doesn't have a WhatsApp account. To avoid these kinds of issues, we suggest using fall-back mechanisms.

Open rate

WhatsApp's open rate, similar to the one used for Email, shows how many people who received your message opened it.

Email's average open rate is around 20%, but it's much higher for WhatsApp. Some companies see a whopping 98% open rate. As previously mentioned, not all users will open your message. That is why keeping track of it and adjusting for future campaigns is important.

Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR measures how many users clicked your link. Like the open rate, this metric helps you understand whether your message is engaging enough or whether the action you wanted the user to take was relevant.

Unsubscribe/Opt-out rate

Similarly to the Email unsubscribe rate, you want to know how many people opted out of receiving WhatsApp messages from you. This is an important engagement indicator that shows whether your content is relevant and sent with proper frequency.

Revenue generated

If your goal is to generate sales, Revenue is the metric to follow. This metric indicates the value of sales generated from your WhatsApp messages and helps calculate the return on investment (ROI) of your messaging campaigns.

Return On Investment (ROI)

ROI measures revenue earned per unit of currency spent. You can compare ROI across campaigns to optimize budget allocation.

WhatsApp pricing is based on the conversation. We calculate this by dividing the revenue generated by the cost of all conversations of the campaign.

Conversion rate

How many people, who received the message, took the desired action? For most companies, conversion means when somebody buys something, creates an account, or subscribes to a newsletter.

Conversion rate shows the percentage of users who received your message and took the conversion action.

Maximize Your Campaigns with the Right KPIs

WhatsApp has undoubtedly become a dominant and highly effective marketing channel. It's important to follow the right metrics and compare them to other channels. Email, SMS, and in-app notifications are often good comparison channels as they’re also text-based experiences.

If you’re looking for a way to boost customer engagement, increase conversions, and communicate more effectively, it’s time to make WhatsApp part of your messaging strategy.

Messente can help you, let's talk!