Not production
WhatsApp Business Messages

Reach your customers with WhatsApp Business

  • Increased conversions and reduced costs
  • Hands-on support with setup
  • Global registration
Official partner
From cybersecurity to the financial sector, the most demanding industries use Messente
30% cost reduction after sending OTPs globally with Messente's Verigator.
Launched in 190 countries and increased delivery rates by 35%, on average.
Uses Verigator to send 400+ OTPs daily in strictly regulated markets.

Unlock new business growth

Our clients are seeing higher conversions with WhatsApp's upgraded messaging features such as branding, buttons, images, and much more.

It’s easy to get started


Sign up with Messente

Fill in the form below, and we’ll kickstart the process. An account manager will guide you through the first part of the setup, then we’ll take over for registration.

Connect your system with the Omnichannel API

Connect to Messente through our Omnichannel API. Thorough documentation means you can be up and running in a few hours and omnichannel means that you can send SMS, Viber and WhatsApp all through the same API.

Get a WhatsApp Business Profile

We’ll help you with every step. Your account manager will gather all the information we need to get you a verified WhatsApp Business profile.

Onboard new customers

In just a few days you’ll be ready to send rich media messages to millions of people. We’ll make every message count.


Making your systems more secure.


Follow-up on user actions or requests.


Generate awareness and drive sales.

WhatsApp for business is packed with features

Detailed reporting

Quickly check detailed statistics from the Messente dashboard.

Rich media

Send images, videos, links, emojis, and more — up to 4390 characters to work with.

Customised comms

Improve customer communications with text formatting tools and customizable CTA buttons.

Official account recognition

Your branding and the official verified badge signal authenticity to WhatsApp users.

With hands-on support that keeps customers around for years

When every hour of downtime counts, you need a provider that you can trust.
4.7 stars
Software Advice
 4.7 stars

Built for industries where messaging is business-critical

When all your messages are critical, we most probably are the best fit.







Get started with WhatsApp

Get in touch today, and our team will show you what this channel can accomplish for your business. Just fill in the form to get started.

Frequently asked questions

What is the setup process for WhatsApp Business Messages?

How much does it cost to send WhatsApp Business Messages?

Do customers need to opt in to receive WhatsApp Business Messages?

What countries is WhatsApp Business Messaging popular in?

Send your first WhatsApp campaign today!