Not production

Frequently Asked Questions

How to import and format a .csv file?

First of all, you need to add tags for all your columns which have information and are supported by Messentes Phonebook.


First Name Last Name Phone Email Company
Thomas Cupcake 92199999 Cake Factory
John Gibson 90123123    
Jamie Johnson 90123456   Hill High School

Supported caption tags: Title, First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email, Company, Custom, Custom2, Custom3, Custom4, Blacklisted.

NB! The file must be encoded in UTF-8 charset.

When columns have name tags, then save your spreadsheet document as CSV* and you are ready to import your contacts. Imported CSV file allows you to send personal messages using tags above the message text box (e.g First Name, Last Name).

*CSV files should be created by "save as" option in CSV generating programs (OpenOffice, MS Excel). If you cannot create this file using proper software you can create it on your own but you have to remember to separate each field by a comma "," and quotation marks (") for each row. This operation is automatically performed by designed software. 

How to add country prefix automatically with the import?

All imported phone numbers must have a country prefix ( +xxx). We have added a functionality to the import form so that you can add default country prefix automatically.

Country prefixes are added to phone numbers automatically if 
  • '+' sign is missing from the phone number
  • the imported phone number doesn't start with the same prefix
If you add default prefix to import '+372'

Number before import Number after the import is processed
+372371298554355 ** (warning)
+37002984685 (no change)

How to use multi SMS sending (typing numbers)?

In the "From" field you have to select an active sender name. In the "To" field you have to type all the numbers separated by using a comma ",".

Do not forget to add a proper country prefix before each number.

The message content has to be written in the "Message" field. If there are any characters in the Message field that are not supported in the GSM 03.38 alphabet, you will be prompted to replace the characters with GSM friendly alternatives.

You can view the result of the replacement by hovering your mouse on the "i" symbol under the Message body, which will display the final text as it will be received on the handset.

How do I know if my message is delivered?

All messages are stored under Archive, where you can check the delivery status of each of them. 

"Sent" means that we have sent the messages, but it is not delivered or failed. 

If the status is "Delivered", then the recipient has received the message. 

In case you see the status as "Failed", then this means that the message is not delivered.

You can read a bit more about the different reasons as to why some of your messages do not get delivered Here.

How do I buy messages?

We want to ensure that buying messages from Messente is simple and easy. You are able to choose the corresponding payment option by selecting your currency under Add Credits when you are logged in. 

Each payment option protects your privacy, ensuring that your online transaction is conducted safely.
Please read our privacy conditions under Terms of Service.

How am I charged when sending longer messages than 160 characters?

Number of SMS Character amount* Character amount (Unicode)
1 160 70
2 306 134
3 459 459

*Characters like : ^ { } [ ] ~ \ | € are counted double (as two characters).

You can always check the SMS length by typing in your SMS text to SMS length calculator. This will display you the actual length of the SMS message.

What is Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode?

Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode provide stronger identification for online payments, enhancing security for card transactions over the internet. Both are based on 3D Secure protocol, a technical standard developed by Visa and MasterCard.