Not production

Development Libraries

Develop with our API libraries to get the fastest integration experience.

Make sure you have signed up and have your API keys.

Install a library

We have API libraries for various programming languages.

With PIP

To install the API client library, simply execute:

pip install messente-api

Or with Setuptools

To install the API client library, simply execute:

python install --user

then import the package:

import messente_api

Take a look at the library's GitHub and PyPI pages.

Install with npm

npm i messente_api

Take a look at the library's GitHub and npm pages.

Install with composer

composer require messente/messente-api-php

Take a look at the library's GitHub and packagist pages.

Maven users

Allow fetching messente-api from jcenter by placing a settings.xml file to ~/.m2 maven folder containing

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation=""

To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, add the dependency to your project's POM


and execute

mvn clean install

Gradle users

Add jcenter repository

repositories { jcenter() }

to your project's build file.

Also add the dependency to your project's build file

dependencies { implementation 'com.messente.api:messente-api' }


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn package -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/messente-api-$VERSION_NUMBER.jar
  • target/messente-api-$VERSION_NUMBER-sources.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Take a look at the library's GitHub and Bintray pages.

Install the library with gem.

gem install messente_api

Take a look at the library's GitHub page and RubyGems pages.

Install using NuGet

Install-Package com.Messente.Api

Take a look at the library's GitHub and NuGet pages.

These libraries only contain Omnichannel and Phonebook API features. For other Messente features, you need to install different set of libraries. Libraries page contains the list of all our SDKs